Friday, January 24, 2014

Binky clips {DIY}

So whenever we go out with baby Rylee we have to pack extra binkies... She is dropping them constantly and so I looked into buying a binky clip to avoid this problem! HOLY EXPENSIVE!!!! I am not paying eight bucks for a stupid binky clip that isn't even cute!!! So I made my own :) 

What you will need: 
Fabric of your choice [8"x5"]
(1)Suspender clip 
(1)[6"]piece of of cording - you could also use skinny ribbon
********Please make sure to not make your clip too long as it would be a choking hazard.... Obviously! Be smart!********

Fold your fabric into a 1" strip and sew lengthwise. 

•Insert Suspender clip into one of the open ends and stitch across. A zig-zag would be best because you want this extra strong.
I attempted to try out one if my fancy stitches on my new machine.... EPIC FAIL!!! So please excuse the horrible stitching!!!

Last, insert the two ends of your cording into the other open end and again... Stitch across. 

And would you look at that.... You've got yourself an adorable binky clip :) 

Here's little miss Rylee rocking her binky clip! 

Trying out the new machine :D

So my wonderful hubby surprised me with my very own sewing maching for Christmas! Up until now I've had to go to my grandmas to use all her stuff if I wanted to sew. I was so excited!!! I have the best husband!

  [Here she is]

So I went to Joann's as quick as I could to pick up some fabric for my first projects. I got this pretty blue damask print and a pink and white chevron stripe print that I just had to have! So here's what I made: 

With the blue I made a pillow cover for our bed. We recently moved upstairs to be closer to the baby's room and it needed some color. (More of the bedroom makeover to come later!)
Turned out perfect and only took my about 15 minutes! 

I followed this super easy tutorial I found on pintrest! Check it out... HERE

And with the pink....  And a new bow to match of course! Just used a onsie that was a little to small and cut it about 5 inches from the top. Then I cut out the front and back of the skirt and sewed down the sides. Then I ran a baste stich to add the gathers and attached it to the onsie. Pretty simple and so cute! Next time I'll have more pictures I promise! 

Okay... One more picture:
[Little Miss Rylee] 

Here goes nothin… Enjoy!

Well here it goes, my very first post. I am very excited to share my everyday life with anyone who wants to see what being a first time mom is all about. It's a struggle to balance mommy life, married life, working part time, church callings and trying to fit in a little "me-time". So this blog will be about how I am managing to do just that. I want to share all the things I love in my life. My name is Melissa and I am a first time blogger.

So a little bit about the Harris family now. -Aaron- & I have been married since 2.23.2012. He is so wonderful and I am so blessed to have found the love of my life. We decided to +add+ to our happiness and we welcomed our beautiful daughter -Rylee- 9.3.2013. She is the most amazing little girl (and so incredibly cute) and we are so blessed. Oh, and how could I forget Kevin! He's pretty much the coolest dog around!

My family means the world to me and I wouldn't be the person I am without -Aaron-&-Rylee- in my life. They teach me to always serve others and to become better each day. Everything I do is because of them. We belong to a wonderful church where families are [#1]. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believes that the family is central to God's plan for us here on earth. We believe that He sent his only begotten son to live and die for each of us that we are able to return to live with our families forever. I find comfort in the knowledge that I can be with my little family for time&eternity. That means FOREVER.
I am a mormon… I know it… I live it… I ♥it.

I plan on this being a place where I can share the things I love. I will share my [DIY] projects and updates on our lives. Wish me luck!